Saturday, 30 November 2019

Top 20 Medical Journals That You Can Consult For Writing Your Literature Review in Medicine

A literature review provides a survey of scholarly articles on a particular topic idea. These scholarly articles can be in the form of books, journal articles and academic papers etc. In the literature review, it is necessary for us to provide an overview of key findings, concepts and developments in relation to a specific question. If we want to write a good literature review, it is necessary for us to analyze, interpret and critically evaluate the existing literature. Here, we will provide a list of top 20 medical journals that we can use in the literature review in medicine.

1) New England journal of medicine

NEJM (New England journal of medicine) is considered as the world’s leading medical journal and website. Its reason is that MEJM is providing the peer-reviewed and scholarly articles to the physicians and global medical community over the years. Students can easily use this journal in their literature review.

2) American Journal of Medicine

If you are looking for current issues and scholarly articles for your literature review, this journal is very helpful to you. Its reason is that in this medical journal, lots of current issues and scholarly articles relevant to the medicine are published on a daily basis.

3) BMJ

BMJ is known as one of the oldest journals in the medical field. Lots of peer-reviewed research papers are published in this journal on a daily basis. These peer-reviewed articles are published by global knowledge providers.

4) Journal of Medical Case Reports

The main of this journal is to provide scholarly articles to the researchers on those topics that can expand general knowledge of the medical field. That’s why they are also sharing the original reports regarding the current issues and problems. 

5) Open Medicine

This journal is providing open access to the researchers to publish their scholarly articles. By visiting this journal, the researchers can get lots of scholarly articles relevant to various fields in the medicine like cardiology, haematology, neurology and oncology etc. Students are also free to use this journal in their literature review. 

6) Journal of Internal Medicine

This essential journal is managed by Wiley Online Library. After visiting this journal, the students can find lots of scholarly articles relevant to basic medical studies, clinical, epidemiology and treatment etc. As a result, it is also possible for you to use it in your literature review. 

7) Academic Medicine

Sometimes, there is also a possibility that you are going to write a literature review about academic topics rather than current issues. Under such a situation, this journal is also helpful to you. Its reason is that with the help of this journal, it will be easy to gather enough information relevant to academic medicine.


JAMA is also an essential journal for medical students. Its reason is that by visiting this journal, it will be easy for the medical students to get enough research articles relevant to clinical review and education in the medical field. 

9) Clinical Medicine (journal)

With the help of this journal, it is possible for the students to provide enough idea about the encouragement in the field of medical care. Its reason is that in this journal, lots of articles relevant to original research in the clinical field are published in this journal.

10) BMC Medicine

It is known as the flagship medical journal of the BMC series. This journal is providing open access to the students because this journal is providing peer-reviewed articles to medical students. Students can also use it in their literature review section.

11) Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine

This essential journal is providing a natural home for leading researchers and scientists. By visiting this journal, you will be able to get a wide list of journal articles relevant to current issues in the medicine filed. 

12) Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

JOEM (Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine) is also an essential journal that is providing enough information to the students about current issues in occupational and environmental medicine. 

13) Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences

The most important aspect of this journal is that it was started in 1946 and since 1946, it is providing a wide range of research articles relevant to the medical field to the students. The coverage of this journal is very broad and research articles on this journal are based on the current research.

14) The Lancet

The Lancet has set extremely high standards in the field of medicine. Its reason is that by visiting this essential journal, it is possible for us to get an idea of how this journal is helpful for us in increasing the social impact of different sciences in the medical field.

15) Nature Medicine

Nature Medicine is also an essential journal in the medical field because it is famous among the researchers due to its originality, timeline and interdisciplinary interest.

16) Emergency Medicine Journal

EMI is an international medical journal that is providing enough information to the medical researchers about the pre-hospital and hospital medicine.

17) European Journal of Internal Medicine

If you are looking for enough information about internal medicine, this journal is very helpful to you. Its reason is that you can get lots of scholarly articles relevant to the internal medicine in this journal.

18) International Journal of Epidemiology

If you are looking for advance articles relevant to the epidemiology, this journal is very helpful to you. Its reason is that in this journal, scholarly articles relevant to the new developments in the field of epidemiology are published. 

19) Journal of Experimental Medicine

If you need some kind of experimental data about the medical field for your literature review section, this journal is very helpful to you. Its reason is that lots of scholarly articles relevant to current experiments in the field of medicine are published in this journal.

20) Journal of Infectious Diseases

If you are writing a research paper about infectious diseases and you want to gather existing data relevant to your topic idea, this journal is the best choice for you. Its reason is that in this journal, lots of current articles relevant to infectious diseases are shared. 

Information By: Dissertation Help UK

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Psychology assignment writing guide

Writing a psychology assignment is no easy task because this is the study of human behaviors and it is not easy to understand and talk about human behaviors unless you have studied in detail and have read a lot of them. If you have been assigned a psychology assignment writing task by the teacher, you can face problems in writing the paper if you have no idea what it takes to write this assignment or if you have no prior experience of doing this before.

It is important to know that writing an assignment on psychology can just like any other assignment as it takes a same format, techniques as well as process that include location and integrating sources in the most efficient manner. If you are trying to write a top quality and custom psychology assignment, it is important that you pay some attention and focus on the guidelines that have been provided. Going through the guidelines and understanding them will give you an idea of what needs to be done as it will not only make the task easy but also take less time with lesser chances of mistakes.

This article is a guide as it will help you write a brilliant psychology assignment on your own with just a little hard work and focus.

Psychology assignment topics ideas

The first and the most important thing to do when it comes to writing a psychology assignment is the selection of topic. You need to come up with the best topic that you find interesting to write a good paper. You will have to consider a lot of topics and finalize one either with consent of your teacher or by going through each of them and deciding the one you like best. It is essential to choose a topic that gives you a chance to come up with the most relevant and important information regarding the subject and topic. It should neither be too broad making it hard for you to bring together everything to write a concise paper nor it should be too narrow to make searching for the right information very difficult. 

Psychology assignment format

The format for psychology assignment is just the same as other assignments that are written for other disciplines and subjects unless they have been otherwise specified by the teacher or the instructor. When providing the assignment guidelines, the teachers will also provide information regarding the format of the paper and how it should be done. 

The standard forward used by psychology assignment is:

Introduction – it providers the readers what the assignment is all about and gives them an insight to the information and details that will be discussed in the later part of the assignment 

Main body or discussion – it should contain the facts that you have collected, analyze them logically and provide evidence in case you agree with the facts or deny them

Conclusion – it should conclude the discussion and bring everything to a justified end, asserting what already has been said in the main body or discussion 

References – it should list all the resources that have been used for writing the paper

Psychology assignment best online resources

It is necessary for students to use the best books as well as online resources to write their assignment. It is because psychology is a very broad field and hundreds of thousands of books, scholarly papers as well as articles have been written on its various aspects that provide students key pieces of information regarding the subject. Students need to know that the thing which matters most in the assignment writing task is research and they should make use of the best online resources that will help them in their task. They can use textbooks, internet and various other resources to come up with the most relevant information that helps to develop the structure of the assignment to succeed in the class. 

Psychology assignment help

There are times when students find assignment writing too tough to do on their own. The best thing to do in this regard is to seek help for psychology assignment. There are some of the most top rated and reliable assignment writing services that provide students help by offering to write the most top quality and custom papers that are 100% unique and written according to their particular assignment writing needs.

It is necessary that students find the most professional and established assignment writing service that offers the best advice and assistance on writing their papers. From selection of topic to writing the paper and editing to formatting, students can look forward to the most efficient psychology assignment help with the right guide.

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