Showing posts with label Submitting Resume. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Submitting Resume. Show all posts

Sunday, 6 October 2019

Importance of Cover Letter While Submitting Resume for a Job

A resume is used for a variety of purposes but most people use it to secure a new job. A resume is a document which presents the skills and accomplishments of a candidate who is looking for a job. While submitting a resume, it is necessary for job seekers to submit a cover letter too. Its reason is that a cover letter is a document which highlights key skills of a specific candidate and tells why you are fit for this job. Therefore, we should try to tailor a specific cover letter for an individual job. Its reason is that there are different nature and requirements for different jobs. Some essential benefits of submitting a cover letter with a resume for a job are given below written by the writers of dissertation writing service;

1) It addresses a specific individual

Before writing cover letter and resume, we should conduct effective research and we should know about the hiring manager. In a cover letter, the candidates should address to him. Moreover, this cover letter should also address the specific skills and qualifications of students that are necessary for this particular job. A cover letter is shorter than a resume and sometimes, there is a possibility that hiring managers don’t have enough time and they hire candidates just by taking an overview of a cover letter rather than a resume. 

2) Get attention

Some years ago, job seekers send resume to hiring managers via mail. In these days, it was not necessary for candidates to attach a cover letter along with resume. After that savvy job coaches recommended cover letters for job seekers. When job seekers started to send cover letters along with a resume, they knew that these cover letters are useful to get the attention of hiring managers. Its reason was that these cover letters just provide necessary details rather than the whole academic and professional career of candidates. 

3) Emphasize the positive

As we have discussed earlier that most hiring managers don’t have enough time to read resumes of all candidates. A cover letter provides you with a chance to tantalize hiring managers to look at your full resume. You just need to add your accomplishments, job experience and skills in a cover letter without providing enough details. If hiring managers are interested in your previous job career or accomplishments, they will definitely read the resume for full details of your previous job career and accomplishments. This will last positive impression on the minds of hiring managers and your chances to get a job will be increased. 

4) Explains your contribution

A cover letter also provides a chance for candidates to explain why you are interested in this specific job and why you want to attach to this particular company. In other words, it provides you with a chance to customize your application for a specific position in this company. You just need to conduct effective research and try to get an idea which skills are necessary to get success in the company where you are sending your resume. After conducting research, you should tell hiring managers with the help of resume how your talent is helpful for them to promote their business. 

A cover letter also provides a chance for candidates to share their personality. Its reason is that for some positions in a company, the personality of a candidate matters a lot.

About the author:
Ana Rudolf is a research writer affiliated with a dissertation writing service provider company. She helps and guides students in writing, editing their academic writing tasks. She also writes on social issues, problems of youth and other topics of her interests in her free time.

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